Tuesday, September 1, 2009

Montauk lighthouse 100

This is a nice view of the lighthouse.


Jane said...

I love your images of Montauk Lighthouse and the surrounding area, strange that no one else has bothered to comment:'( Anyway I think you have done some lovely photographs and I love lighthouses. I understand they are trying to protect the lighthouse from the erosion of the sea and the local surfers aren't happy about the plans of putting boulders around the lighthouse and buildings, I also heard on the web that there have been complaints about the lighthouses new fog signal.

Once again nice blog and images, thanks for sharing:)

Buenos Aires Photoblog said...

This is a truly nice set of perspectives of the Montauk lighthouse. Lighthouses convey a blend of feelings from homesickness to wanderlust. The trees look like you have a lot of wind up there.

@esbede said...

great view. i've tried to see the map to find where the long island is. it seems that this place is so interesting. i dream that someday i can visit there, brother.

ExpatBaht said...

it looks like a place i visited in auz also nice photo long island looks a lot like England mike and a lot different then issan in Thailand on the salt flats
regards john expat udon thani

Sciarada said...

Hi Mike I love the lighthouse, and this pic is enchanting for me